RBNV – Robot Builders Night Virtual – May 21, 2024

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Star Rewards  (★ = significant robot progress, ⭐ = robot progress and running on floor):
Stars are awarded by group during the meeting.

Jon Hylands – ⭐

Robie’s Highlights:
• Call for Volunteers to Host/Record RBNV sessions during Summer.
• Jon H. – Demo of Roz robot doing Quick Trip.
• Jon H. – Discussion on Adam Savage’s balancing robot design.
• Ray C. – Idea of using flashlight reflector and beacons to localize to beacons using a camera looking at the convex reflector.
• Jack J. – Discussed and showed pictures of college competition using drones and rovers.
• David S. – Discussed Animatronic activites at DMS.
• Doug P. – Discussed SainSmart CNC 3030 ProverMax Router and Rpi5 USB3 Hub Hat.
• General discussion on GIT practices.


• May 21, starting at 7:30 PM Dallas time (CDT).
• Robot Builders Night Virtual (RBNV) meets each Tuesday evening.

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