RBNV – Robot Builders Night Virtual – March 19, 2024

Meeting Video:

Chat Record:  Chat record (PDF)
Star Rewards  (★ = significant robot progress, ⭐ = robot progress and running on floor):
Stars are awarded by group during the meeting.
Mike Williamson – ⭐ ★ (double stars!)
Jon Hyland – ⭐ ★ (double stars!)

Robie’s Highlights

  • Discussion on club’s decision to move to Discord and Google Meet
  • Mike Williamson – 6 can demo using ROS robot
  • Jon Hylands – update on new features to his robot configuator including Google Maps
  • Jon Hylands – show and tell RoboMagellan robot construction
  • Jon Hylands – Alternate fail safe button designs for robot configuator
  • Ray Casler – Brushless gimbel motor PID demo
  • Paul Bouchier – Demo of PiDog
  • Jon Hyland – 4 leg robot demo


• March 19, starting at 7:30 PM Dallas time (CST).
• Robot Builders Night Virtual (RBNV) meets each Tuesday evening.

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